Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Icy Conditions

I crashed early last night, probably something to do with the sinus and allergy medicine I'd taken. And although I woke up several times throughout the night, the time I decided perhaps I really should get up was when I heard the scraping of ice off a car windshield. One of the problems with crashing so early last night and succumbing to this sinus infection's ploys was that I had things to do the night prior in preparation for today. So when I awoke to that scraping noise, I thought maybe, just maybe school could be canceled and then I wouldn't feel guilty for not getting the treats made or rather have to pry myself out of bed to make them right then.

But alas, school was not canceled, of course.

The treats were made rather quickly and I forced Bailey's behind out of bed. Now the issue with ice and snow outside is that I have to go out and scrape said ice or snow (or both) off the car and while doing that, apparently Bailey isn't capable of existing solo. At least that's how it seems because I always come back inside to the same results. She hadn't eaten anymore of her breakfast while I had been outside. And when I had to check on the car again later and scrape some more ice, she couldn't manage to put on any of her clothing without my presence either. Naturally, this doesn't make me happy at all.

We were incredibly late at this point because of our (her) inability to do anything for ourselves (herself) without constant nagging and coaching; and the story was going to end there. I had planned this blog entry just to complain about when it snows or sleets, I have to go outside, freeze my limbs off and come inside to instant chaos or the idea of time stopping completely, because life can't go on if I'm not present. (It's a fitting thought though, isn't it?)

Unfortunately, my story doesn't get to end as originally intended. We got out of our driveway and not even a mile from our house when I slowly entered the left turn lane, slowly braked for a red light and my car slid into the median, completely around so we ended up taking up two lanes. (We only hit the median though, fortunately nothing else.) I was facing the median at this point, and in case you've never driven before, you're not supposed to face the median. Great. Now we'd never make it school in order to celebrate the Chinese New Year. About this time is when I realized I'd left my purse and cell phone behind. Luckily, all of the cars surrounding us kept their distance, and for whatever reason, I decided to see if we could get ourselves out of this position, and we did without any other complications. I was shaken up, as anyone would be at the thought of hitting against concrete with their child in the back of the car.

But we marched on (or drove in this case) and made it safely to school, severely late (like that's unusual) and as we brought in our goodies, I noticed the treats hadn't made it in. I thought I'd just grab them out of the car, but my purse hadn't been the only thing I left at home as I left in a fury due to my anger with the slow dresser/eater. I had to head back.

I made it home quickly (and without rushing), managed to grab my purse and treats, drove with caution to the exact place I had skidded before without any issues and as I waited for my green arrow, I felt something. I thought nothing about it until I looked behind me and could see part of a car, but not their front end. That's because they were far closer to me than they should have been, like in my bumper. This caused me to not take the arrow and instead considered getting out to assess the damage, but I didn't want to hold up the line, so I turned when I could and was planning on pulling over to do so then and make sure the other driver was fine, but instead of taking the turn in the turn-only lane, they ended up driving straight. Apparently they didn't want to assess the damage.

That's one wonderful thing about having a Rubbermaid bumper, they're difficult to injure. There wasn't any evidence of foul play or icy conditions on the car, and I headed inside Bailey's school with the treats finally in hand. And I wasn't planning on leaving until preschool was over. I wasn't chancing that turn lane a third time today. No way, no how.

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