Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A to Zed

Bailey was playing with one of her new Christmas toys. It was a laptop from her Great Aunt Suzanne and Great Uncle Gary (and I have a suspicion that Gary would love the sound of that Great in front of his name). She'd just taken the laptop out of its box and was playing a little game of sorts. This was a nifty present, I assure you, and everything was going swell until it asked her to find the letter Zed. She was a bit confused and you must understand, Bailey's known her alphabet since early in her year of two, and in all her almost four years and six months of life, there has never, ever been a letter Zed. She asked Daddy what that meant, and he gambled on the letter Z. And that's when the computer's female voice answered, "good." No "wonderful job for guessing something I told you incorrectly," or "WOW! You can read computer minds well!" Nope. Just, "good."

If it helps explain things further, the computer's female voice speaks in a British accent, so that should explain volumes to all of us. (Luckily, around here, we encourage playing with multicultural toys, so this toy will fit in just fine. Even if it doesn't jive with our alphabet.) I love the British, but sometimes they have some crazy ways of doing things. Like that whole other side of the road.

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