Thursday, January 8, 2009

Burn Victim

One of the most traumatic moments of my life was when Bailey was burned a couple years back (before she turned two and something I'd rather not type about even to this day). I wasn't sure I'd ever recover. I still get nauseated thinking about it and it was something I hoped to forever avoid. It was bad enough happening once and it made me lose faith in my mothering skills. Some serious faith. And just a few days ago, Bailey was burned again, this time being all my fault. I did the burning. All me.

Well, that's her version of events...

I was taking pictures of her dye job and after I took the pictures, Bailey announced to Daddy and I that I burned her back. Well, more precisely, the camera burned her back. She claimed the flash burned through her dress to her skin. Daddy asked if that meant Mommy should no longer take photos of her and surprisingly she answered, "No, no, no, Mommy can still take pictures." This was completely a shock since Bailey absolutely hates having her photo taken. She may look like a Christmas ham, but she's never been a cheese-for-the-camera kid. Ever. Fantastic photos of her are typically taken by pure luck and nothing more.

But the fact I had burnt her back by a camera flash was out of the ordinary. She was convincing though. And I guess if she's burnt, this is the much preferable way. Quite the victim, indeed.

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