Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sometime last year, April actually, Bailey saw this chair in a Kohl's store and really, really wanted it. I'm not sure why. I guess every royal highness needs her royal throne and so, as unsuspecting as I could, I purchased it for her birthday. And there it magically appeared on the big 4, and ever so loved.

Now we're going to flash forward to yesterday around lunch time when I discovered my child peed her pajamas (it's pajama week at Preschool) using the excuse that she just simply "didn't make it to the bathroom in time." Furthermore, it was because she was checking out her Pixos, and well, "these things happen sometimes." No they don't, redhead.

I was livid at her reasoning even more than her actions. And I told her it was going to have to be thrown out now (which was almost a blessing since I could not get that cushion cleaned to save my soul). She replied to this notion with a confident, "that's okay, I have other chairs. And they're cleanable. I can just clean them with a wipe next time." Excuse me???!

Now this is where Daddy (who was just as irritated as I was when I shared the happening with him) would probably say, "not everyone needs to know every story," but it's pertinent nonetheless because I did indeed throw the chair out. Oh yes. I absolutely threw the chair out. But what happened next is why I'm sharing this humiliating tale at all.

In less than an hour after tossing out the urine-soaked throne it vanished. I kind of have to laugh. I'm all about keeping items from the landfills, but there was seriously a reason this thing was trashed. But I guess the new owner will learn that lesson the hard way.

The important thing, the princess has been dethroned based on her attitude and disrespect of her belongings.

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