Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bargain Hunters

While I've never been much into hunting wildlife (I was more likely to join PETA, which is an incredibly scary thought, I know), and even though I don't share Bailey's fondness for ghost hunting, or zombies, I do have an appreciation for a good bargain. I rarely pass up a good deal. While on many adventures in bargain hunting, Bailey often accompanies me. Sometimes, she actually enjoys it.

Well...if it benefits her.

I knew at some point Target (one of our absolutely favorite stores) would have some toys 75% off. Now some of you may have thought at some point that Bailey sure does receive a lot of presents from her parents, but I'm going to share something with you. I spend very little on most of them. In fact, there have been times I've spent more on other people's children than my own, just because I bought Bailey's gifts on clearance and didn't get somebody else's gift(s) the same way. (I usually reserve clearance deals for Bailey or for our adopted families, just because of timing and tastes varying (or constantly changing).)

So, Bailey and I were checking out some deals and we happened to pass something Bailey would be interested in. We'd actually never seen it before, and she was shocked when I asked her if she'd like it. I don't often allow her to get stuff just because, and I didn't. I did however point out to her that she did still have some money left on her gift card from the New Jersey tribe and that if she wanted to purchase her new found treasure with it, she could. (Otherwise, I would've bought it and held on to it for her birthday.) It is intriguing we were buying this item with said gift card because a couple weeks back, the three of us were in Topeka shopping at a Target and Bailey found a toy from this same collection and asked Daddy about buying it. I was in a different aisle and heard the words, "but I do. I have my money from Aunt Susie," which were in response to Daddy saying he didn't know if she had money for it and she'd have to ask her mother.

Now, she didn't end up buying that toy that day (luckily, because it was $16.99 and last night I found it for $4.22 which has become a birthday present). Oh, and if you're curious what she had ended up purchasing first with the gift card, it was her Scooby Doo and the Haunted House
game. We finally found it in a store last Friday for $13.98 which was better than the original $20 price and a bonus since we would've bought it anyway. It's an awesome game. (Unfortunately, I then found it last night for $4.98. Ouch!).

I'm not going to force you to read about all my finds (between the ones I found with Bailey and the ones I found later), but I am going to show you Bailey's latest toy.

As obvious, Fudge is already interested. Probably because, as I truly believe, these will soon be chewed up by the little monster canine (in less than 22 seconds, I presume), just like all the Littlest Pet Shop toys she has previously devoured.

I couldn't get the package opened up fast enough to suit Bailey, but we played a little game choosing which animal should be released next and that's when it came to this one's turn.

The Little Orphan Brat

Bailey said, "I'm not sure about her," followed by "What do you do with it?" (Which could possibly be the exact words Daddy muttered at the hospital.)

She had decided all by herself that we should get rid of her because she didn't believe that she belonged with the set. And just as I was going to do her evil bidding by dumping the thing off at a local fire station, she had a change of heart. Now I can't say that I actually saw her show it any other affection besides deciding to keep it, but that's fine. I'm sure I'll dig it out of the toy box soon enough and find it a new home.

It doesn't matter anyway. It was a bargain, regardless. And I certainly like a good bargain.

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