Thursday, April 23, 2009

No Place like Gnome

In Bailey's Easter basket was this gnome kit, and here are the results.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a more beautiful yard gnome in my life. And I'd know. After all, I'm a yard gnome connoisseur.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Because we love our planet; We must be doing something right

You may fancy me a nut (because well, I am), but this Earth Day we'd like you to consider some changes to your lifestyle or perhaps, just additional measures. And who better to explain those to you than my four year old redhead?

"You can't throw that plastic away. It's recyclable. It really, really is."

"I turned the light off because I don't want to waste electricity. Wasting electricity is bad, isn't it?"

"You're not supposed to throw trash on the ground and if you see trash on the ground, you have to pick it up because it's not supposed to be there."

"Clean up all the garbages off the Earth."

"If you're not using the rooms, then you just have to turn the lights off."

"Even if you open the door and then not using it you have to close it so air doesn't get out."

"You have to do stuff that is right."

Yeah, I'm sure she didn't leave anything out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

On the Fly

We leave for Florida very, very soon. YAY! If you know much about my family, we need vacations in order to stay sane (at least the little sanity we have). Of course, everybody enjoys vacations, and we like to take as many as time allows. Bailey's almost as excited as we are.

And although we've had this trip planned for quite some time, we made some slight changes as of today. Daddy was determined to drive this trip, and I was fine with that, since he'd be the one doing most of the driving, if not all of it. (By his choice.) I was a bit surprised he wanted to drive, since that hasn't been like him in the past, but who was I to argue? Really. Hey, as long as I'm going on a vacation, I'm up for almost anything.

Well, he called me this morning about a flight. This isn't the first time he's looked, which was interesting through this whole process, because obviously he started doubting his road trip concoction from the beginning. But if you must know, my husband is a Prima Donna when it comes to flights. It has to be from particular times (seriously), and it has to be a direct flight because we've flown direct twice before to Orlando, and since we have we can't ever fly to Orlando anything but direct ever, ever again. And I'm pretty sure he has to have a particular air plane, stewardess on the flight, temperatures, and check the beverages beforehand to make sure they're to his liking. Nothing surprises me anymore.

So we're officially flying to Florida, which means we're leaving in four days, rather than two days, which is important to point out from Bailey's point of view. Bailey would also like you to know that she wanted to fly all along. (And that's true, she even "voted" for it during every discussion on the subject.) Sure this was a last minute decision, but it was also a last minute flight for the airline as well, and it happened to be the times Daddy wanted as well as direct. And if you think of us spontaneous, I assure you the opposite. We hardly ever fly by the seat of our pants, which is a good thing, because my pants don't need to be any larger. I have a saying, "I'm only spontaneous when I'm bored, and when I'm bored, I'm dangerous." The only time I've been spontaneous was during the year of nineteen and trust me, that's not something I want to relive. But sometimes, perhaps spontaneity isn't all that bad. And vacations certainly aren't.

Shark Attack

Yes, it may be rare to spot a shark in Kansas, but you just never know what's going to happen in our neighborhood, especially when our neighbor Lee is involved.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Got your nose

Rather, her nose.

I assure you, that's not butter. A certain little canine somebody got a little too close to some paint, all by herself.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Apple of Our Eye

It felt like time flew by enough after today's round up of Kindergartners. But then I viewed these pictures and she looks so much older in them, which Daddy nor I especially liked. One day of Kindergarten-rounding and she thinks she can age a few years. As for the pajamas, I had yet to get a picture of her from the day, so you missed out on her cute little apple shirt that said, "Smarty Pants," but I'm sure she'll wear it again unless she ages another several years during her sleep tonight.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

She wants you to know she's not crazy

Bailey's teacher Ms. Amanda wants to make sure the dear readers of my blog know that she's not crazy. Now why does she want to stress this to you dear readers? Because she is convinced she's a victim of many photographs that depict her wild and crazy side. Perhaps there is a good reason for such paranoia, because well, pictures do speak a thousand words. She was curious how many readers I have, and I have assured her, I know exactly how many people read my blog and exactly who (I have my ways) and that everyone who reads this blog knows me and to trust me, she's no worse than I am. (I'm sure you're all nodding right about now.)

As for her wacky ways in these photographs, she's no Wack Job, really; it was Wacky Wednesday and the kids were to dress as wacky as they pleased. Bailey chose her own wacky demeanor which suited her perfectly.

She even directed me how to style her hair appropriately for the day. Yeah, it was absolutely wacky.

War Wounds

Oh yes, it was that bad. Our Bailey had her Kindergarten shots today on such a taxing day. We had planned to have them last week, and we did make it to the doctor, but it was for strep and not shots. Being that Kindergarten round-up is on Friday, Bailey couldn't put it off for much longer, no matter how many diseases she contracted in order to stall it. And although we went in with the highest of spirits and many plans (afterwards the Farm as well as the House of Chuck) and I did promise if she didn't scream or fight too much with the nurse, we'd go pick out a Little Best Pet shop (that's what she refers to them as) critter at Target, things went as expected (at least how Daddy and I expected). She started whimpering about the time we approached the elevator and it magnified after that. Then we calmed down, but once that nurse brought in the syringes, all gloves were off. Fortunately, I was able to hold her down. And although she'll tell you stories of torture, it was over within seconds and we went on our way to the next destination.

No pain, no gain, right?

My Darling Frank

Setting: McDonald's play area, awaiting doctor's office to open from lunch so the Kindergartner-to-be could get her shots. A boy spots the redhead and immediately starts following her diligently asking many times the same question. The question almost seems a blur.

Boy: Do you want to be my friend?

Redhead: No thanks. I just want to be alone.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Miss Daisy's Easter

Despite the rain, our Easter couldn't have been more perfect. We hunted eggs while armed with a red umbrella and rain boots, did a drive by of the Plaza Easter bunnies, took the scenic route through the Kansas City ghetto (it's gorgeous this time of year), found some more eggs with Cousin Kona, and ate some fantastically awesome Tippin's French silk pie. And there was the deal with Grandma H's bunny tail...

The Easter Bunny brought Bailey breakfast. Breakfast in the form of slime.
Doesn't this seem like a scene out of the Judy Garland family Easter extravaganza? Pills and money in the Easter eggs. Yeah, the Easter Bunny went all out.

Grandma was busy explaining how the Easter Bunny dropped some eggs off at her house for the kids.
The Easter Bunny even hid one in Great Grandma Rangger's hair!
Grandma was keeping life fair.
Bailey's new apron:
Does Daddy have a toothache?
Hopefully you had a fabulous Easter as well!