Wednesday, April 15, 2009

War Wounds

Oh yes, it was that bad. Our Bailey had her Kindergarten shots today on such a taxing day. We had planned to have them last week, and we did make it to the doctor, but it was for strep and not shots. Being that Kindergarten round-up is on Friday, Bailey couldn't put it off for much longer, no matter how many diseases she contracted in order to stall it. And although we went in with the highest of spirits and many plans (afterwards the Farm as well as the House of Chuck) and I did promise if she didn't scream or fight too much with the nurse, we'd go pick out a Little Best Pet shop (that's what she refers to them as) critter at Target, things went as expected (at least how Daddy and I expected). She started whimpering about the time we approached the elevator and it magnified after that. Then we calmed down, but once that nurse brought in the syringes, all gloves were off. Fortunately, I was able to hold her down. And although she'll tell you stories of torture, it was over within seconds and we went on our way to the next destination.

No pain, no gain, right?

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