Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chewed Up

I discovered this ball this morning, yet another victim from Fudge's endless chew-fest and it quite resembles how I feel. Chewed up. This ball was Bailey's brand new ball for tee ball and if you're thinking it should have been in a safer place, I think the only safer place to put it would have been in a Swiss bank, although not even those are safe these days. Fudge can get to anything. And it just tells me that no matter what you try to do with yourself, you're going to get chewed up eventually, or at least feel that way. Perhaps I feel this way because my Bailey is still very ill with a high fever she's had since Sunday around noon. And nothing can wear on you more than a sick tot. I'd rather be ill than have her ill and I'm sure every mother can relate. It's daunting and excruciating and poor Bailey is just miserable and as long as I know that, I can't make it about me. Eh, the day's already looking up.

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