As for this year, I still didn't think a litter box of edibles was appropriate for her class, so I decided to make them fish sticks and peas since her class by this time, is so used to me making them a dish of sweet, delectable confections. I was rebelling.

But I made my fish sticks from scratch rather than from a frozen box and used random ingredients instead. The only challenge was that everything was handmade so I didn't get it all made in time to take it when I dropped Bailey off at her preschool destination. The plan was to rush and drop her by, then hurry home, finish my meal, and then bring it by in time for snack. Well, this would be the morning Bailey decided to be clingy and not let me leave. She never does that! I finally released myself from her clutches (rather she was ready to join her class) and rushed home to my conquest.
I worked my hands harder than they've ever worked before and I arrived to a classmate's birthday celebration. (Wouldn't that be awesome to have an April Fool's birth date?! I could have had all sorts of fun with birthing on that date. Man...the possibilities...) The kids had already eaten by the time I got there (they had snack early!) and devoured cupcakes from the birthday girl. I don't blame them. I'd much rather eat cupcakes than fish sticks any day. But the joke was on me as my plans were foiled. I left the classroom with my tail between my legs. (Kidding.)

I returned an hour later and found out the children were sat down for fish sticks and peas after all and were a little put off at the thought. Their teachers forced them though and everybody was to taste test the meal before them. An early lunch, if you will.

Who knows what I'll make next year...maybe the actual food. That would surely be the true joke.
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