Monday, April 13, 2009

Miss Daisy's Easter

Despite the rain, our Easter couldn't have been more perfect. We hunted eggs while armed with a red umbrella and rain boots, did a drive by of the Plaza Easter bunnies, took the scenic route through the Kansas City ghetto (it's gorgeous this time of year), found some more eggs with Cousin Kona, and ate some fantastically awesome Tippin's French silk pie. And there was the deal with Grandma H's bunny tail...

The Easter Bunny brought Bailey breakfast. Breakfast in the form of slime.
Doesn't this seem like a scene out of the Judy Garland family Easter extravaganza? Pills and money in the Easter eggs. Yeah, the Easter Bunny went all out.

Grandma was busy explaining how the Easter Bunny dropped some eggs off at her house for the kids.
The Easter Bunny even hid one in Great Grandma Rangger's hair!
Grandma was keeping life fair.
Bailey's new apron:
Does Daddy have a toothache?
Hopefully you had a fabulous Easter as well!

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