Tuesday, April 21, 2009

On the Fly

We leave for Florida very, very soon. YAY! If you know much about my family, we need vacations in order to stay sane (at least the little sanity we have). Of course, everybody enjoys vacations, and we like to take as many as time allows. Bailey's almost as excited as we are.

And although we've had this trip planned for quite some time, we made some slight changes as of today. Daddy was determined to drive this trip, and I was fine with that, since he'd be the one doing most of the driving, if not all of it. (By his choice.) I was a bit surprised he wanted to drive, since that hasn't been like him in the past, but who was I to argue? Really. Hey, as long as I'm going on a vacation, I'm up for almost anything.

Well, he called me this morning about a flight. This isn't the first time he's looked, which was interesting through this whole process, because obviously he started doubting his road trip concoction from the beginning. But if you must know, my husband is a Prima Donna when it comes to flights. It has to be from particular times (seriously), and it has to be a direct flight because we've flown direct twice before to Orlando, and since we have we can't ever fly to Orlando anything but direct ever, ever again. And I'm pretty sure he has to have a particular air plane, stewardess on the flight, temperatures, and check the beverages beforehand to make sure they're to his liking. Nothing surprises me anymore.

So we're officially flying to Florida, which means we're leaving in four days, rather than two days, which is important to point out from Bailey's point of view. Bailey would also like you to know that she wanted to fly all along. (And that's true, she even "voted" for it during every discussion on the subject.) Sure this was a last minute decision, but it was also a last minute flight for the airline as well, and it happened to be the times Daddy wanted as well as direct. And if you think of us spontaneous, I assure you the opposite. We hardly ever fly by the seat of our pants, which is a good thing, because my pants don't need to be any larger. I have a saying, "I'm only spontaneous when I'm bored, and when I'm bored, I'm dangerous." The only time I've been spontaneous was during the year of nineteen and trust me, that's not something I want to relive. But sometimes, perhaps spontaneity isn't all that bad. And vacations certainly aren't.

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