Saturday, April 11, 2009

Teed Off

The expression on her face in this photograph should clearly explain our experience in tee ball practice today. As for an explanation as to why such an expression exists, we're not sure there is one. Everything was going fabulously, she was having a ball (pardon my terrible pun) and then one toss of the ball into her stomach (which did NOT hurt her) and suddenly, play time was over. And with a quick costume change of expressions, Bailey was finished.

She stood there for the longest time glaring and scowling, frozen in time, glued to the gym floor. And continued to be glued there even after her group went outside and we had left the room. How easily the winds change. And no matter how many threats and promises, she would not, could not handle herself reasonably.

I refused to immediately remove her from the premises, even if it was embarrassing, but I really, really do not want my brother for a child. If you need to understand that, my brother absolutely abhorred tee ball and was found in the dirt playing with ants or adamantly refused to not hit the ball and stood there, screaming. By the third practice, when my brother was in the field playing with ants, that's about the time my humiliated father walked out and grabbed him and took him home and we were to never speak of the abomination that was tee ball, ever, ever again.

As for Bailey, we finally scooped her up and took her home and after a large amount of time silent in her bedroom and many silent discussions, she decided perhaps she should take Daddy up on his compromise if she were to resume any of her activities for the day. The plea bargain entailed a full fledged practice in the backyard with Coach Daddy, spending a full hour, just as allotted at tee ball, doing all of the elements they were doing in class, the same things she deliberately missed out on.

Fortunately, she managed to accomplish every level of practice, but her attitude is still lacking. We can partially blame that she's still getting over her second round of strep for the year, but she also has to learn a better way of dealing with frustration. And so do we for that matter.

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