Friday, May 9, 2008

This is why we rarely wear white...


It's a beautiful dress isn't it?


Well, it was.  Until yesterday.

Yesterday after preschool, we went to the farm. 

Yes, I know. 

"Why did you let her wear white to a farm?"



  I know.  I mean, they have muddy piggies!



But I didn't let her.  She insisted.  You see dear readers of this blog, my Bailey picks out her own clothing and she wanted to wear THIS dress to the farm.  She thought the goats would think it's pretty.  She probably wasn't mistaken.

But it wasn't all of the dirty livestock that did it.  Although they most likely could've.


And even though we did do some mining, it wasn't that either.

Although, that can be a bit messy.


Bailey climbed on this old machinery, something she did with Daddy and I last weekend.  And as she was climbing, I saw the stains, the horrifying stains.  I was hoping it'd been peanut butter from lunch.  I blamed the peanut butter.  But some overly helpful, yet obnoxious brat of a boy child says to me, "that's not peanut butter.  That's oil."  I slightly glared while I thought adamantly to myself, "please let that be peanut butter."  But deep down, I knew it wasn't peanut butter.  I knew.  Peanut butter would be far too easy to remove from the fabric.



No, it was this piece of evil farm equipment that did this poor dress in.  And this morning when she chose this specific dress to wear, I did think silently to myself in all my optimism, "this is probably the last time she'll wear this dress," even though it was brand new, as in, she'd never worn it before today, as in, she'll probably never wear it again.  I'll still try to save it though.  I like lost causes.

While it annoyed me fervently that the dress was ruined, I needed to just relax and further enjoy the lovely weather the day had given me.  I needed to enjoy the "beautiful" flowers growing throughout the grass.  Bailey stopped to pick some and gave them to me as a gift.  She requested that I save them.

And besides, the dress did have an issue that bugged me.  To look at it, you'd swear she had it on backwards, but it wasn't.  Was it flawed or just poorly designed?  I will never know.  But it's okay to pick at its flaws at this point.



See.  This looks like it should be the front of the dress, but the tag states otherwise.




I think next time, we'll wear some black like this cat.  That way, when we do some climbing, it won't matter.  That cat was certainly thinking when he/she dressed herself for the day.


Looking back, everything was as it should be.  Bailey had a fabulous time.  That's all that really matters.


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