Monday, May 12, 2008

I gave birth to Spiderman

Or Spidergirl in this case.


She has some super powers, that child, and sometimes I believe it's possible that she's part spider, or at least can walk up walls; because I returned to the deck after being inside for a mere seconds to find my child staring at me from the OTHER side of the railing.  And if you have no clue what this means, this means she was on the OTHER side of the railing.  Okay, so THAT means she climbed up the lattice work.  ALL the way up.

And I'd like to tell you this is the first time we've had to get after her for such an act, but at the speed she climbed down and the fear in her eyes for being caught doing it, I assure you it wasn't at all.  Just hopefully it is indeed the last time.

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