Friday, May 23, 2008

I'd rather just ignore it

...But it's hard when you have a Bailey in the house giving you the play by play.


Right now, there is a spider crawling around on the dining room ceiling.  I'd like to pretend he's not there, which would work extremely well if Bailey wasn't in there watching his every move and then relaying it back to me.  She's been concerned for his safety.  She wants to make sure he doesn't get smashed.  So, she'll come find me in the house, announcing that the spider is still okay and unharmed.  I don't take the news as enthusiastically as she does.


This is been going on for a while now and I'm sure it will until he crawls his way to North Korea, or wherever his travel destination may be.  Bailey thinks he's having a birthday party like she is (hers isn't until July though) and she thinks it's going to be a spider-themed party with all of his friends.  She thinks his friends are coming here for the party.  They better not be.  This party venue is not equipped for his pesky kind.


She's really excited about his party and she says he is too.  I can only imagine.

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