Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Conversation with a Lollipop

Sometimes in life you literally need to stop and smell the roses, branch out and meet new people and start up conversations that perhaps you wouldn't have always had the courage to have.  Today was one of those days for me and I took the effort to engage in a conversation with a lollipop during 435 afternoon traffic.

No, I have not lost my mind, thank-you-very-much.

Today, I had the privilege of talking to Fudge the Lollipop.  We started out with something in common right away since we have a dog named Fudge, courtesy of my daughter Bailey.  The Lollipop was quite impressed with Bailey's name choice.  I agreed with Fudge the Lollipop.

Fudge the Lollipop also has a dog.  His dog's name is Dubbyel, pronounced Dubyull.  I was intrigued by such a name.  He asked if my Bailey has a cat.  I told him she does and he asked our cat's name.  He too has a feline friend.  His cat's name is Nammy.  Our talk went on for a while until he fell from Bailey's lap onto the floorboard of the car.  Bailey apologized for her part in disturbing our little moment.

Our conversation was quite besotting and I'm afraid if it wasn't for my Bailey I probably would never have had the opportunity for such a chat.

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