Thursday, May 15, 2008

She is NOT Hannibal Lector

I repeat, she is NOT Hannibal Lector.


If you had overheard me today in a parking lot, shortly after exiting Bed, Bath and Beyond, you would have heard me say this exact phrase, "You are not Hannibal Lector."  It was then followed by, "I know you don't know who that is, but you're not him and we do not eat human flesh."

Now why would I say such a thing to a three year old?  I'll tell you why.  Because as I've stated before, we do not promote cannibalism in this household.  And even though that is the case, that did not stop my child from pretending to try to eat my face and ears and anything else she could try to sink some teeth into.  She thought this zombie-like cannibalistic behavior was funny, and it probably would be, if it wasn't happening to me.  I just wish she was this vigorous with actual food, like the kind normal people serve on plates.

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