Saturday, May 10, 2008

Creativity in time for Mother's Day

Bailey signed each of her cards for Mother's Day this year;  rather, she was forced.  And in each card, she exhibited that mind of her own I'm truly fond of.  She also introduced me to things I never knew.



She told me this (as in the one on the left) is the Japanese letter B.  I had my own doubts, but it's not like I speak Japanese, so who am I to judge?

She then added to that Japanese B and said they were bones.  I think that was her way of subtly telling me she was tired of writing in these cards and was grateful it was her last one.  But really, I think her natural creativity is absolutely fabulous and the best Mother's Day gift ever.  And I mean EVER.

Because really, who wouldn't want a card with bones in it?  The best things in life were made from blood, sweat and tears.  A card with bones?  Now that took skill.

And skill she most definitely has.  Happy Mother's Day to all.


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