Saturday, May 31, 2008

Life's Bumps

We didn't have any plans for Memorial day this year other than spend some family time together until I had to work that night.  As to how we'd spend that time together, well, that was anybody's guess.  We asked Bailey what she'd like to do and she wanted to go see dinosaurs..."at the Wonderscope with dinosaurs."  In case that means nothing to you, it meant the Children's Museum in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the one with the big giant room full of dinosaur excavation activities.  We broke the news to her gently that we didn't have time to drive down to Chattanooga for the day, and although she was a little disappointed, a light bulb had gone off in my head.  We hadn't been to the T-Rex restaurant in well over a year, so we went to the Legends in Kansas City.  Bailey was all for seeing dinosaurs and away we went.

We had a fun time and Bailey's only issue with the Legends was that they had a Gymboree Outlet.  This pleased Mommy beyond all imaginations because she had no idea it existed there and well, she's been begging for years to go to the Gymboree Outlets in Florida, Texas, and New York.  Surprisingly, I didn't buy anything.  I was too busy looking at Bailey's pouty face.  She really, really doesn't like that store, even if it is responsible for part of her wardrobe.  That was the only thing she didn't enjoy.  It was a nice Memorial Day.

Something that we discovered while getting ready to go see dinosaurs that day was a bump behind Bailey's ear.



Actually, Bailey was the one to ask about it and Daddy told her it was supposed to be there.  Fortunately, I heard part of the conversation and looked at it and informed Daddy that it was not supposed to be there.  On Tuesday, I made an appointment to her doctor's office and got her in to a new physician on staff.  Dr. Flint was onvacation, but the new doctor was very nice and Bailey was very helpful and happy to see a qualified doctor.  The doctor couldn't believe how adorable Bailey was and she seemed to like the dress Bailey insisted on wearing.  When Bailey chose it that day, she proclaimed that the doctor, "will love this dress on me."  She was correct.

The doctor's initial guess was a cyst.  She thought it felt like a cyst rather than a lymph node, which  is what I thought it was.  For those who do not know, Bailey's lymph nodes in her neck have been working overtime since early last fall.  We're still trying to find out why her tonsils have been enlarged since then.  Anyway, the doctor didn't think it was a lymph node, but proceeded to look in her ear.  The doctor diagnosed Bailey instantly with a full blown ear infection in her right ear.  She didn't even get that close to her ear by the time she saw how bad it was.  We started Bailey on antibiotics right away and so far Bailey keeps announcing, "the bump is still there.  I don't think the medicine's working yet."


It'll take a while.  That's just how the bumps in life are.

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