Tuesday, May 20, 2008

She keeps the boy waiting

Bailey has been absolutely loving this weather we've been experiencing lately.  She's been busy hunting for snails, worms, and putting on bizarre shows in the back yard.  And while she does these things, she has an audience.  She forces me to watch her perform, but no matter what she's doing, you can look through our fence and see one of her biggest fans sitting on a tree stump watching her.  And he continues watching.


Our neighbor's son has been doing this a lot lately in anticipation of her finally noticing him again and interacting.  All the while, she'll just ignore him and play alone in the sand box.  It used to never be a big deal.  Heck, she'd go running to him.  But you know how those girls are.  And so he waits.  And waits.  Just sitting on this stump, quite patiently, observing her until she notices him back.


It's most endearing and I admire his patience.  Most of all, I find pride in Bailey's actions and of course, humor.

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