Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Broken Kind of Day

Monday left us a bit broken for a while.  I mean, parts of it made it a great day.  It started off well.  We went and babysat for a friend of mine while she went to the hair salon.  Bailey was VERY excited about that.  She remembered my friend's four children quite well and even directed me on how to get to their house.  She was most excited about seeing my friend's daughter Zoe again.  And so we arrived and everything was going perfectly.  Their dog Cooper loved me just as much as before.  My friend's children told me he loves everybody, but I know he loves me most.




Their second dog, Webster, confused Bailey to no end because she couldn't past "No, I think that's just Fudge," which could probably have to do with him indeed being Fudge's brother.  Aside from that, it was a fabulous time.  It was the leaving that proved to hold a few snags.

The circus was in town, so I knew I could eventually get Bailey out of my friend's house.  And once I dangled that proverbial carrot in front of her, she was thrilled to leave and so we were off...until we weren't.  We were backing out of the driveway, and another car was zooming towards us, so I went right back up the driveway for a second because I'm not about to let a car drive through me (and I was convinced the car would've) and then I go back to reverse and something happened.  My stick shift wasn't changing gears, it was literally floating.  The biggest problem with this was that we were downhill and halfway in the middle of the road and had no way to get back up the hill of a driveway out of traffic's way. 

That was totally not cool, let me tell you.  So, my cell phone is literally on blinking-low-battery mode, but I dialed my friend's number anyway since she was inside and there was no way I could get out of my car.  She comes a running to the rescue and we tried to figure out a solution.  Pushing did not work, folks.  Apparently the clutch was still engaged.  Luckily, some nice virile men came to our rescue.  With Bailey safe with Zoe, and my foot on the clutch, the men pushed the car up into the driveway and I dialed Daddy to give him the blessed news.

Within forty minutes (he works out of town) he was at my friend's doorstep.  Meanwhile, Bailey had explored my friend's backyard which included a trampoline and a pond.  And once Daddy arrived, Bailey thought that meant we were now going to the circus that was in town.  Well, that was at 4:30, and it was after 5 at this point.  She was bummed and I felt bad for her, but there wasn't much I could do. 

Daddy took us home and he went back and tinkered with the other car for a bit and rigged a way to drive it until it could be professionally repaired, so we were able to drive it back home.  And fortunately, there was a 7:30 time for the circus.  I couldn't personally take her since I had to work, but Daddy and Bailey went and had a fantastic time, it seemed.  Daddy left out the details, but did leave me with pictures which filled me in on all their wonderful experiences.  It was just a small traveling circus, but they did have elephants and white tigers and cotton candy! 

And although Bailey's always hated cotton candy, I guess she chowed down on this version.  Cotton candy does always taste better at the circus.


Something else she did...



And because you just never know about people, the lady behind Bailey was actually at my work that evening.  I ended up going out of my way to assist her and she was very nice, and so when I saw this picture I was shocked that I had just seen her around 9:15 or so.  It did look like Bailey was in safe hands.  And it made me wonder if that feeling I had in making sure I took care of her was because she had just kept my daughter safe less than thirty minutes prior.  Of course, I didn't know she did, but I did know it was worth the extra effort.  Just something to ponder...



So, as broken as some parts of the day were, it all ended up working out in the end.  Especially for Bailey.

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