Friday, June 27, 2008

What Bailey learned at Rifle School


Today, as in Friday, was Bailey's last day of "Rifle School."  She started going on Tuesday (because of her busy Monday schedule) and has thoroughly enjoyed her tutelage.  I'm so grateful to my neighbors for inviting her this past week and I know Bailey had a blast, especially during her last day.  They fed her pizza and an ice cream sandwich and set her loose with water balloons in a yard with water sprinklers.  I'm not sure there was a dry kid in the place.  Thank goodness for the spare set of clothes in the car.





And out of my own curiosity, I wanted to see what she was learning, so on Wednesday I was having a brief chat with her about Bible School and asked her what she did there and she told me all about the "Bounce House" they jumped in and the red snow cones and the word, "play" came up a lot.  Well, according to her, that's all she did at preschool too and I find that very hard to believe.  So, again to test her own explanation, I bluntly asked her, "Who is Jesus?" because I figured, they had to have mentioned Jesus to her. 


Now it's seriously no secret that Daddy and I aren't exactly "church people."  But despite this fact, I'd made a pact with myself that I'd at least expose her to Christianity because really, it's only fair and to be a truly well-rounded individual, you need exposure to everything.  And although I had made this pact, I have failed, or at least, haven't made good on my promise.  The thought's there, just nothing else has been done.  So, when she answered quite confidently, "Jesus is the son of God," I knew she didn't get that from either of her parents.


Perhaps we should try the whole church route again and let her play in water more often, because if you look at these pictures and see the joy exhibited on her face, it'd make you think she never gets to do such a thing.  It's all about the simplicities.




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