Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Fly Trap

There was a little lady who captured a fly,

I don't know why she captured that fly.

But now her toad won't die.


I've been singing this song in my head, my own parody version of The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly since yesterday.  I started singing it after Daddy found Bailey another little toad (yes, another specimen to add to our long list of amphibians we've discovered this past month).  Bailey then went out to find insects for her new little warted friend and somehow, some way managed to catch a fly.  She was thrilled to share that her toad then ate that fly.  She was soon out trying to capture more after that.

Watching a creature devour another creature then became a death match worthy of selling tickets to, or so it seemed considering it felt like Bailey was out to catch flies only so she could witness her toad eat the pitiful pests.  I'm not sure if Daddy has ever felt prouder.


But sadly, our deadly contender is no more.  No, no, he didn't die.  Bailey let him go this evening at her own request.  And you thought we killed another.  Ye of so little faith.

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