Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Because I want you to shudder like I did...

Bailey came running into the office exclaiming, "Look what I have!  Look what I have!"  The house echoed of her enthusiasm and I was ready to look because every day is full of these moments anymore.  At any given moment, she brings me snails, bugs, toads, etc.  I treasure all of them.


And as I spun around in my office chair knowing Bailey had been safely hunting creatures in our backyard, I start dry heaving.  Nothing in life prepared me for this.






I freaked out a bit.  I don't know why, but those things give me the creeps.  According to Bailey, they're "snails with no shells."  And sure, it was cute when she kept finding the itty bitty ones and would say that and try to find an empty snail shell in her collection for it to move into, even though I kept wanting to correct her and say, "it's a slug."  (I think Daddy believed her theory too.)  But yesterday when she brought this "BIG snail with NO shell," I was so appalled I kept saying (or was I screaming?), "that is a SLUG."  Daddy found it amusing as he had no idea I would have reacted in such a way.  Because of this, I have a feeling he's only going to encourage her more to find them.  And he's already told her she could keep it and told her to put him in her snail house.  I was too busy tending to my goosebumps to fight it. 



My house has become a menagerie.  And I can handle it, really.

Except this.  Anything but this.


Because really, should little girls have SLUGS as pets? 



And let me tell you, that slime took FOREVER to scrub off.  I made Daddy do it.  That's what he deserves for finding it so endearing.




Nothing a little salt can't handle...

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