Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Another year, more time to fly

This is unfortunately my first posting of the year.  My resolution would be to keep up a little better with this, but I hate making resolutions in fear of not keeping them.  However, I still strive to be better at this whole "blogging" business.  Maybe someday. 

We rang in the new year right.  The three of us were safe at home with movies to watch and cookies to eat.  Last year, my first photo of Bailey taken the whole year was at 12:17 a.m.  I wasn't that fast this year.  It wasn't worth waking her up, no one wants that.  She was exhausted, rightly so, after a long, but exhilarating day in Topeka (yeah, one can have fun in Topeka, surprisingly) shopping and spending quality time as a family.

As for New Year's Day, we had a party to attend.  It is weird to say we're partying on New Year's Day, and not New Year's Eve, but these were special circumstances.  The Wiggles were involved, as well as Kona turning two. You don't know who or what the Wiggles are?  You need to get out more. 

Bailey and Kona had a tremendous time playing and catching balloons and shaking tambourines.  They were absolutely precious in giggle fits and gazes of amazement.  Bailey bought Kona three Wiggles DVDs and a pair of Wiggles slippers that look exactly like the Big, Red Car.  He really liked the slippers.  He was showing them off like a little stud.  Meanwhile, Bailey was ready and willing to help him open other gifts and "share" his new xylophone.  Luckily, she has her own at home too.

Daddy had yesterday off, so Mommy got to have some free time and Bailey and Daddy spent some VERY quality time together.  Nothing is more quality than listening to Bailey throw a fit over a movie.  They actually had fun too.

I better sum this up rather quickly.  I need my rest as I have a Bailey to tend to in the morning and we have plans to explore the universe (or at least Oak Park Mall).


...Maybe someday I'll actually give someone this link so someone besides me actually reads it....

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