Saturday, January 7, 2006

Cows...they're not for dinner...

At least not tonight.  No cows for you!  "Cow" is one of Bailey's latest words.  She just loves those darn things all of a sudden.  We have this little flip book of photos of objects and their corresponding label and so I was asking what each item was, and we got to "ball," typically her favorite item in the whole wide world (followed by the dog) and she said, "cow."  Okay, so I stare at her blankly thinking, "what on earth?!"  Thank goodness I hadn't corrected her quite yet and looked down first.  It's a flip book, so there's a top and bottom page facing her.  Well, by George (or Pam), she was right!  The bottom page had the cow on it. 

It was kind of funny, to me at least. 





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