Thursday, January 5, 2006


I added yet another few photos to Bailey's site from Tuesday.  I like to take as many photos of that child as humanly possible.  I want no regrets as a mother.  Of course, there will always be something, like sometimes I wish I'd tried the new version of cloth diapers instead of suffocating more land fills on our planet, but whatever.  I am definitely a pseudo-environmentalist.  I can be idealistic, but I always go for the more practical route; the lazier route.


We headed to Lawrence this afternoon, just in order to get out of the house for a bit.  In an instant, Bailey crashed in the car, and with good reason.  Then, she slept the entire time we were in Target, and I took my time too.  I found a new sheet for her bed, the bed she barely sleeps in.  (She's been spending half of her sleeping time on the couch.)  The sheet has fairy princess bears on it.  I'm on this princess kick with her (big surprise) and I've been in the process of searching for toddler princess bedding that I really like.  I've found a couple options.  I also rearranged her room at least a couple weeks ago and it looks so much nicer and much more space.  The three of us are very excited about that and maybe eventually I'll post photos.

Bailey awoke just in time to return to her car seat, literally as I was opening the car door.  She conned me into sharing some chocolate with her (okay, so I was willing, but don't tell Daddy) and by the time we arrived to Kohl's (two minutes later since it's across the street, through a stop light), her face was covered in chocolate.  It was quite adorable.  She still had two bites, one in each hand, and didn't want me to take her arms through the seat belt loops in fear of losing either piece.  She's over-protective of her chocolate, and rightly so.  It was Choxie's.  That stuff isn't cheap and you're not given a lot.  Mommy could've stolen it back.

Bailey has such a marvelous memory.  Inside Kohl's, she focused on getting to the toy aisles so she could play with the globe there.  A trip to Kohl's is never complete without playing with the globe.  Thanks Daddy.  Needless to type, Mommy didn't get to look at the clearance racks for very long.  Awful.

She was quite happy singing in the back seat as we drove home.  When we got out of the car, she decided it was a better idea to play in the backyard with Kaitlin than go inside.  I cringed as she walked past each yucky doggie pile.

I swear, three times today, when I asked her a question starting with "Do you want..." that she answered me, "I do."  Those aren't exactly words her mother and father want her practicing anytime soon.  At all.  Daddy says she can wait until after at least her first doctorate and Nobel Prize.  I do love how fast she picks up her vocabulary though.


Our child is so incredibly gifted.  Oh, and she likes potatoes too.




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