Monday, January 9, 2006

Our Whirlwind of a Day

Yesterday, I went out shopping by myself, and in the process, I bought a coat Daddy had been eyeing at Target on clearance in the size he wanted.  I was excited about that.  Then I get home to discover the coat had a button catastrophe.  It was missing buttons and the ones that weren't missing were close to falling off.  Fabulous.  So our main goal today was to return this mess of a coat and perhaps find a more fitting replacement (preferabbly with all buttons intact). 

While we were out, it made sense to also finally get back to the Y.  It feels like it's been forever since I've taken Bailey swimming.  Every time I consider it, her nose is stopped up again.  So we marked that on our list, as well as a visit to Party City in search of Chinese New Year's, Mardi Gras, and any other holiday items we may need in the upcoming months.  Don't laugh and don't question my motives.  Thanks. :)

So, after showering and thinking we're ready and making lunch plans with Daddy, I realize I have to get stuff ready to go swimming too.  Then I notice the most important part for, I need to shave.  ACK!  So here went having plenty of time to get out the door...

While I shaved, Bailey found this as a perfect time to go through the tampons box underneath the sink and find many uses for the Tampons.  Now you may be embarrassed for me as I am typing this, but come on, I'm a mother, my modesty was stolen from me at the doctor's office by the second visit of the pregnancy and what little I had left was left at the hospital by the La Leche woman who took my breast out of my gown personally.  So while you're blushing, I'll continue...

So Bailey's playing with the tampons and I'm shaving my gorilla legs (that only a true mother can relate to) and I'm already finding myself exhausted at considering what's left to get us out the door.  Then it's time to get out her swim diapers and they're shoved at the back of her closet on the very top shelf and me being the short person that I am, of course, has no way of getting them.  I was beyond frustrated.  I really need to learn some patience.  It's a wonder I survive any day.

So diapers accounted for, legs shaven, drinks for the day prepared, Bailey dressed with shoes, wow, is any trip really worth all of this effort?  Of course.  So we set out on our journey....calling Daddy on our way out to cancel lunch because timing was becoming a serious issue at this point in the day. It worked though, because on Tuesdays, we have lunch on his long days, so it all works out in the end.  Joy, I get to experience this tomorrow too!  woohoo. Yes, that was sarcasm...

So, we get to Target to return this coat and consider lunch possibilities and the Y and other plans, and I think out loud, "let's do lunch first, after all."  So I go to get my purse out of the back seat and what had entered my mind during the drive ended up being true...yes, it was quite possible that my purse had been left behind.  I was already frantic and annoyed, this just added to my mood.


Luckily, Bailey was smiling in the back seat and laughing at me.  Leave it to her.

So, we enter Target after all to return the coat because at least we'll accomplish something, even if everything else isn't possible considering I have no money, no YMCA cards, no ID...  Yes, you can cry for me.  We grab a replacement jacket and are ready to complete the transaction and the chick asks for MY DRIVER'S LICENSE.  You have to be kidding me! 


Yeah, you really should be crying for me.


I should have recognized it this morning when Bailey used her spoon to whip a piece of cereal across the room and its sogginess of goo landed right in my face that I was not going to enjoy this day...

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