Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Doctor's Diagnosis

Well, yesterday was Bailey's 18 month Doctor's visit and it's like she knew, because she woke up during the night cranky, and again once it was morning.  She was not a happy girl and there was no hiding it.  (The day before, we had so many comments at the mall on how happy of a baby she is, if only those people could have seen her yesterday morning...) 

We made it to the doctor's office and she remembered.  She definitely remembered.  She has a fabulous memory, she really does, and she can remember things from a store we've been in once, and months before.  But anyway, she knew where we were and she wasn't thrilled.

It was time to be weighed and she approached it like any woman would with severe hesitancy.  She did not want to be on that scale.  She fought it so hard, the nurse asked if we could just stand her on the big scale.  That was hard too.  We have no idea how accurate that is, especially since there was a lot of movement involved and the nurse had to act quickly.

Measuring her was such pleasure too.  She acted like she was being tortured.  She was screaming and fighting and squirming to the hilt.  She's such a drama queen.

So, we went back to the room and waited for our doctor and she came and checked Miss B's ears (and they're fine) and looked her over.  She asked us a series of questions, like, does she use a spoon?  Of course, everything she asked, we had the opportunity to answer, "oh, yeah, for months," or "definitely," or "yeah, since even before a year old."  Maybe they know you'll answer like that and just figure it's good for a parent's ego, either way, we have such a genius child.  We really do.

The shots came fast and were replaced by sparkly band-aids.  Bailey made sure to tell the needle-lady "bye bye."  She was quite glad to be rid of her.  She's so funny.

And now I must be bid thee farewell.  I've missed a few things to mention on here, so perhaps I'll do that another time...


Until then...

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