Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Lost Hats and Quiet Time

So, today was an overall pretty good day.  Bailey wasn't happy that we were out of yogurt, but she thought Jello was an okay substitute.  She also ate a whole bowl (adult sized) of Life cereal.  Hey Mikey, she likes it!  The cat was getting annoyed with her too because she really wanted that milk.

It all started because Bailey didn't want cereal, so Mommy fixed a bowl  for herself instead.  Bailey tried a spoonful, but ended up spitting it out, so Mommy continued to eat it.  Then, suddenly, Bailey really did want some and she ended up eating the rest in Mommy's bowl and even more after that.  That's not normal, but hey, we won't complain.

She was using the spoon (a big spoon) to eat with and was spooning up milk too and drinking it.  I wasn't going to discourage her because she hasn't been drinking at all.  She's boycotting liquids since Mommy and Daddy boycotted the bottles.  I HATE bottles.  Daddy was a fan of them, but bless that sweet miracle of a doctor, she told us to be gone with them.  FINALLY, Daddy was convinced.  YAY!  Of course, I should be insulted that he wouldn't take any of that same advice from his wife!

And no, you don't need to tell me about when your child was finished with bottles.  She never even took them all that much until it was time to NOT take them.  She regressed big time and I've been fighting mostly with her father on the subject!  Grrr...

Anyway, so back to the drinking of the milk via spoon.  It may have not been out of a sippy cup, but hey, it's drinking.

Oh, and while the cat was waiting for the milk, I thought I saw blood on her back paws.  No, instead, I found more artwork of Bailey's.  I'm not kidding!


Daddy agreed to give Mommy time alone in the house this evening (which Mommy was grateful for).  Bailey and I ran a few errands, lost her red hat, and then swam for seven minutes at the Y.  (A swim class was starting).  Daddy found us in the lobby after we were done dressing and we went to eat and then parted ways.  She was so adorable in the back of his car, reading her ABC book.  I guess it was still in there from maybe a night he took her and I went and ate with Brooke, and she immediately wanted it and started studying the pages vigorously.  I should ha taken a photo, because she was just so perfect back there, with a hat on (not the one we lost) and just looking at her book with her big blue eyes and pink jacket.

So, I got home right at 7 and had my second experience of being in the house alone since before Bailey's birth.  I baked a cake, put laundry away, and cleaned the bathroom with a vengeance.  I haven't had a real chance to scrub the tub in so long, to REALLY scrub it.  It felt nice.  I can't recall what else I did.  I guess they walked around the Mall of the Great Plains for a while and then went to Target.  Daddy said Bailey was the bully in the mall play area.  That made me laugh.

Now they're both home, both in their beds and I'm about to find myself there as well.  Oh, and the hat, I retraced our steps this afternoon via cell phone and it was at Hallmark.  Bless those card people.  Daddy and Bailey went and picked it up, so we can bless them too.


Good night, Bailey fans.

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