Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Calmer and with Regret

So for the person who probably read the previous post and stated, "What kind of idiot leaves markers in a drawer a kid can get to?," thank you, but I asked myself that already.  That was the primary root of my frustration, but I'm much more relaxed now.  The grinch's heart has grown again, times eight, and regrets ever frowning.

We went grocery shopping around 5:30.  Bailey was pretty helpful and talked me into buying two oranges and a green pepper.  I'm not sure why she wanted these things, but she was very excited over the produce today and this Mommy just sort of felt like going with the flow.  Maybe she might even take a bite, Bailey that is; after all, she felt like taking a bite out of the hotdogs in the package, twice.  You won't find me eating green peppers, but maybe I'll eat a hot dog.

She loaded the conveyer belt after a couple of outbursts in the store, but I don't blame her.  Sometimes I just want to yell in the store too, just for kicks.  We bought too many groceries, and then returned home.  She wanted to see Shrek 2.  She actually even said "Shek" and then clapped afterwards with "YAY!"  I'm serious.  She hasn't been interested in that movie for a couple months, and then all of a sudden, she says its name for the FIRST time.  I was impressed.

Oh, and she definitely does say "stars."  I thought so, but I don't count a word as said until I hear her do it a lot, and over a several day time span.  I knew she'd repeat the word "star" but she really does know what they are, alone and in plural form.  OH!  And she was trying to sing to a song earlier.  She was saying "eat eat eat," right along with them as they sung the "apples and bananas" song.  Star Search here we come...



And believe it or not, the permanent red came out of the oriental top.  I didn't think it was possible, but I must've acted fast enough, along with the help of detergent.  Thank you Tide Bleach for Colors, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  But Tide didn't save my day, Bailey did and all the wonder that is she. 


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