Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We came, We Saw? We...


Today, Bailey and I decided to brave the town that is Lawrence and the chaos that is the Lawrence St. Patrick's parade. We visited this only once before and recall it not being the most pleasant of parades which is why we haven't gone since now. I'm not really sure why I decided to go, but what a beautiful day for such an event! It was in the 80s!!

But regardless of the day's beauty, Lawrence was just as disorganized as ever, despite their efforts. And despite our plan, we probably sat in one of the worst possible locations. There were rows of parade floats in front of us, all synchronized to go at different times, which meant we just watched a lot of waiting for a while. Finally though, we did get to see the latter half of the parade and some candy was thrown out, but that's just craziness infested there. People amaze me with their rude tactics. This woman went up and took a stack of cups from somebody in the parade when their back was turned and then later acted as though she hadn't received anything and asked for more and once I witnessed such an act, I remembered why we hadn't gone to this again. This was why. How easily I had forgotten.

Bailey wasn't so sure she wanted to stay, but then these crazy loons disrupted the parade, so it seemed, and suddenly, she was loving the parade. It also helped that Curves passed out some water and apparently, she was a thirsty girl. We received a ton of compliments. Having a redhead during this time of the year is even more enjoyable. Hard to believe, I know. Since we really only saw half of the parade because of our location, it was over much sooner, and Bailey was excited to get a late lunch. Luckily, I parked as far away as possible.

Who knows if we'll ever return to their parade. It's not Brookside. Lawrence is much better off left to spontaneity. It was a gorgeous day though. Fabulous.

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