Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today is the anniversary of the war. It also happens to be our wedding anniversary, which is something worthy of celebration. So, to be different this year (we normally don't do anything), we decided to go see a romantic movie. What did we see? Out of all the chick flicks in the theaters right now, we chose The Watchmen. That's right, folks. We went to see THE graphic novel on the big screen. And you're probably curious what we did with Bailey while doing so.

She obviously didn't go along with us, and it's spring break from preschool this week, but we tried something new which is an hourly childcare center, even open until midnight! Yeah, midnight wasn't really calling to us, but a lunch time movie seemed like a good idea (Daddy took half a day from work). Daddy and I inspected the place (the grandparents have always been the ones who watched her while we saw movies), Bailey seemed ready to hang out (she was loving the idea, except she didn't realize we were seeing a movie) and we went to see the most romantic film to date.

Okay, so it wasn't all that romantic, but the film effects were AWESOME (as I am a huge fan of fantastic special effects and action sequences) and it was nice getting some grown-up time by ourselves. Once the marathon of a movie was over though (it's almost three hours long!), we were ready to reclaim our redhead and spend some quality time outdoors. After all, these years together are much more meaningful with her in the picture. But if asked if we'd ever consider taking her back to Kidspark, the answer would be "yes." At least, that's what Bailey told us.

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