Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

Bailey was extremely thrilled to note that today is/was Dr. Seuss' birthday. And we (as in her teachers and I) were discussing him today (while I was there to pick her up) at her Kid's Day out program (something we do only on Mondays) and none of us could name the book that was about the animal whose spots changed colors. We knew the book, but couldn't think of the title. Leave it to Bailey. Oh yes, she totally nailed it. And I'll just let you keep thinking of it yourself.

Anyway, Bailey and I talked about making cupcakes in celebration and Bailey's always one for a cupcake celebration. As for the actual birthday party, that'll be tomorrow. Next time I do this cupcake idea (which I came up with on my own) I say we use sugar cookies, even though they won't be cupcakes at all then. But if there's any guy worth such an honor, it would definitely be him. Striped hats have never been so cool! Here's to many more years of enjoying the late, great Dr. Seuss' books. Cheers!

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