Monday, March 30, 2009

She has been paying attention!

Don't tell Bailey's ballet teacher, Ms. Heidi, but this morning I realized we hadn't had Bailey practice her dance for their spring performance at all this past week. And that's not good since Ms. Heidi went out of her way and made us a CD of the song and printed out a sheet of the dance moves along to the lyrics. Yeah, I'm not always such a good mom.

So, when Bailey and I returned home this afternoon, we put the CD in and Bailey set up a couple animals to watch her perform and I studiously had the sheet in front of me and prepared to dart my eyes back and forth from the paper to my dancer. I wasn't expecting much, in fact, I was surprised she was willing to perform for me without any arguing. The music started and instantly my tiny dancer was indeed dancing and she did EVERYTHING on the paper, even the dance moves I didn't know what they were by name, she did them and now I know what they are! I couldn't be more proud. I was so impressed and beyond thrilled and perhaps I shouldn't have doubted her at all.

Now I know we must practice this at least twice a day, just so I can watch her awesome little self put on a fantastic show for me. And I'm sure Ms. Heidi would agree that practice makes perfect!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

We knew we wouldn't like this movie

Ever since we saw our first movie preview for Monster Vs. Aliens, Bailey has been anticipating its theatrical release. She couldn't wait to see it and from the beginning of her excitement, Daddy and I have been passing back and forth groans and my popular response, "Daddy and I you can see that movie together." I thought it'd be special, yeah, and perfect retribution for being forced to watch sleep through Space Chimps by myself with the redhead. It'd be only right if Daddy and and Bailey saw a movie together too, right? I'm just sharing the opportunities. It's what I do.

Despite my efforts though, I was Mommy-napped and the three of us went to see this monstrosity. Ugh. But I was bribed with the temptation that is coffee ice cream and sat in my seat intently. At least I wasn't alone. Daddy was just as regretful. We were both sitting there to see the only funny parts which had already been featured in the movie trailer. We watched the characters we knew would annoy us. We sat there for the longest hour and a half our lives

Until something awful happened. The horrible movie wasn't so horrible. The funny parts in the trailers weren't nearly as funny as the extra jokes in the movie. We even liked the characters, actually liked them. And time flew extremely fast, so fast we couldn't believe it was already over.

To think, if we hadn't seen it, we would never have known it was actually a good time.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bolted In

We stayed in today due to the impending doom that is snow. All we've heard in the last 24 hours is about this alleged snow that was going to hit our Midwestern area and how apocalyptic it was going to be. (Okay, so that's my version, but by the way some people have acted towards this report, you'd think the apocalypse was coming.) So, we've stayed in and all it has done all day is rain and sleet. And honestly, I'd rather have the fulfilled promise of two feet of snow than an ice storm. Yeah, any day. And finally tonight, it has started to snow. But not the kind of snow Bailey was planning to use to build a snowman. Nope. Instead, just little flurries and not very exciting. I love how accurate the weather reports are.

Since we were staying in, we decided to order pizza and bust out a movie out of the surprise closet. Our movie night has featured Bolt which thrilled Bailey beyond words. It was a fun night, even if the apocalypse didn't happen.

Maybe next time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bedside Manner

This guy keeps popping up all over the place. Just a couple days ago, I found him in the oven trying his best to become a crispy critter. (It's not my place to judge someone's future aspirations, only to ruin them.) And now here he was on my night stand keeping watch over my dreams. Who knows where he'll end up next... It's starting to creep me out a bit, after all, check out that smirk on his face and those crazy eyes. I'm also not sure I want to know what he did to the baby.

I'm thinking I should sleep with one eye open tonight.

The Tiny Architect

Bailey's been building things before she was walking (and she started walking before ten months). She's just a little builder and quite creative. And being that sort, she's drawn to these odd magnetic shapes at Wonderscope in their art room. I've seen her build many things with these in the past, and lots of houses, in fact, I'm sure I have photos somewhere of her many creations, but out of all of them, I've never seen her build anything quite like this structure.

I've also never seen her so proud of anything she's made with these as she was with this.

I am curious if her Father the engineer could truly handle having an architect for a daughter. Especially an architect daughter who prefers modern art. We shall see.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tinkerbell Flies Again

From the moment Bailey found out she was having a tea party at school, she was determined to wear her Tinkerbell costume from Halloween. And she assured me it'd be okay because Tinkerbell starts with the letter T, and it is T week at school after all. I couldn't argue against that, so this morning, Bailey proudly put on her costume once more and modeled the brightest grin on her face. By this evening, she was still smiling.


Last weekend, I had this idea hit me like a ton of bricks (but not nearly as painful) that a tea party would be a wonderful event for Bailey's preschool. So, this newfound enlightment forced me to e-mail one of her teachers with the suggestion. Have I ever mentioned just how lucky I feel that they don't seem to hate me for my intrusions? I really am hoping they're not just being nice.

Anyhow, when Bailey found out about this tea party, she was beyond thrilled, as she has hosted many tea parties in our home. (We're mentally European, you know.) She had her own attire picked out for such an occasion and couldn't wait for the big day. I supplied two types of tea, punch, sugar cubes, lemon, some glittery-looking cookies I found at the Retail Giant, and chocolate chip scones, and tableware items. (Keep in mind that I live vicariously through Bailey's teachers.) Other parents also sent along little finger foods for the big party. I dropped off the camera and asked the teachers if they wouldn't mind taking some random shots for me and wow, was I surprised when I went through my photos and discovered some of these. Photographers after my very own heart!!! (They put me to shame, I'm afraid.) I couldn't be more pleased by what I discovered. Enjoy, just as I did.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

She's Honest

....A little too much so.

I picked up Miss Bailey from preschool today and asked her if she received a prize from their prize box for the day and this how our conversation followed:

Bailey: Not today.
Mommy: Why not?

Bailey: Because I was very bad.

Mommy: What did you do?

Bailey: (as she was fidgeting)I took some toys away from some kids.
Mommy: Why did you do that?

Bailey: Because I wanted the toys back. (Pause) But that's not all.
Mommy: Did something else happen?

Bailey: Yeah. I hit some people.

Mommy: You hit someone? (the teacher nods) Why?

Bailey: Because, I don't know. They shouldn't take the toys.

Mommy: Bailey, that's not a reason to hit anyone. We do not hit people. (Gives stern look.) Will you do it next time?

Bailey: Eh, maybe...(pause) not.

Mommy: (trying not to laugh) That would be "NO," no, you will not hit again. (Still trying not to laugh.)

So, will it happen again? Probably.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Bug in the Oven

You just never know what you might find in our house, especially in the oven.

And she has the nerve to question what I cook...

Maybe we won't be going to Kindergarten after all

The entrance fee to Kindergarten is enormous. There's all sorts of sweating involved and heavy negotiating. At least that's how it feels. You should check out this load of paperwork they've sent to fill out. And if that's not enough, there's a bunch of vaccinations needed in order to even be able to enroll. That's where the most difficult task comes in. Vaccinations which means needles and blood and screaming and Band-aids. Oh, this will be fun. Her fourth year checkup was a picnic, I assure you. A picnic brawl with heavy screaming, and then when I thought she couldn't be more stubborn, they demanded a urine test. Fun times.

The moment Bailey heard there were shots required, she was not interested. She begged, she pleaded. Ever since, she's been debating the rationality of such a request. And when I reasoned that they won't allow her in to Kindergarten without such a hassle, she's decided that maybe Kindergarten isn't quite so necessary and interesting and exciting. Her exact words were, "then I don't want to go to Kindergarten." If that wasn't hard enough to hear, tears then started to well in her little eyes. I was expecting a head tilt to follow.

Eh, there's always homeschooling.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Life Care

After ballet this afternoon, I needed to make a stop to drop off some donations to a local agency. Bailey was still in her dance attire and most importantly, her ballet slippers, so I grabbed her out of her seat and we went to the front passenger side so I could grab Batch #1 of donations and Bailey leaned just the right wrong way and the door crashed into the side of her face. OUCH is right. It made me want to cry, let alone poor Bailey.

I felt awful that it happened. Here I was holding her so her slippers wouldn't get dirty on the pavement and I felt extremely responsible for this bruise that was quickly forming on her little head. She forgave me instantly and reminded me that we really need to be more careful.

The true irony was in the name of the agency we were donating items to. It's called Lifecare, and I find it ironic because as we were dropping off said items, I was hardly caring for my life (yes, as in Bailey) quite as carefully as I should have, because even though it wasn't entirely my fault, I'm supposed to be the responsible one. Live and learn.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Check out those turtles!

Today was such a fantastic day to get to the Topeka Zoo, so we seized the opportunity. And while at the zoo, we caught these crazy turtles doing...something, which sparked Bailey's curiosity and caused her to point out the turtles and ponder what they were doing.

So, what are those tortoises doing?Wouldn't you like to know...

(By the way, did you check out the voyeur tortoise stretching his neck to get an outstanding view and did you also see that "kill paparazzi" look in the other tortoise's eyes when he realized I was photographing him? I feared for my life.)

And since you're such awesome sports, here are a couple extra photos from our zoo-terrific day.

And this poor guy was stuck on a vine and no matter how hard he tried, he could not get free.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's nice to have help

Daddy was working on a project and needed an expert's guidance. Luckily, she was more than willing.

I really don't know what he'd do without her.

I also would like to ask where these have been all our lives. How cool would it be if all projects came with a set up like this? Helpful, indeed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today is the anniversary of the war. It also happens to be our wedding anniversary, which is something worthy of celebration. So, to be different this year (we normally don't do anything), we decided to go see a romantic movie. What did we see? Out of all the chick flicks in the theaters right now, we chose The Watchmen. That's right, folks. We went to see THE graphic novel on the big screen. And you're probably curious what we did with Bailey while doing so.

She obviously didn't go along with us, and it's spring break from preschool this week, but we tried something new which is an hourly childcare center, even open until midnight! Yeah, midnight wasn't really calling to us, but a lunch time movie seemed like a good idea (Daddy took half a day from work). Daddy and I inspected the place (the grandparents have always been the ones who watched her while we saw movies), Bailey seemed ready to hang out (she was loving the idea, except she didn't realize we were seeing a movie) and we went to see the most romantic film to date.

Okay, so it wasn't all that romantic, but the film effects were AWESOME (as I am a huge fan of fantastic special effects and action sequences) and it was nice getting some grown-up time by ourselves. Once the marathon of a movie was over though (it's almost three hours long!), we were ready to reclaim our redhead and spend some quality time outdoors. After all, these years together are much more meaningful with her in the picture. But if asked if we'd ever consider taking her back to Kidspark, the answer would be "yes." At least, that's what Bailey told us.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This is probably why my pets hate me...

And why the dog runs when I get the camera out.