Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well, it was raining...

We've had some absolutely gorgeous weather lately, but I've heard it won't last, like so many things in life. And today it was raining, and not cold, nasty winter rain, but spring rain, as it was in the 60s out, and it felt so nice. It was a welcomed rain even. And I'm walking in the rain towards Bailey's preschool, rain coat in hand, and it wasn't on me because it was Bailey's, and I'd brought it along just as promised because she predicted it would rain, so I told her I'd bring the jacket with me if it did indeed. (And I figured it would rain too, but it was fun that she had predicted correctly.) I was just enjoying the non-spring rain that was like spring rain, and I saw these pieces of paper on the sidewalk, pieces of paper that had been marked on with markers, and now they were all smudged and wet, as would happen if out in the rain. I thought it was odd and I did think to myself, "do they realize it's raining out here?" but who am I to judge, seriously? I went inside thinking I should mention the wet paper, and the substitute teacher said, "You didn't throw them out did you?!"

Oh, of course not. Like I throw anything away. Please. I recycle. But never fear, I did no such thing in this situation.

Well, apparently one of the Pilates Moms did. And they are referred to as that not out of stereotype, but because they have Pilates class upstairs. And well, they're moms. One of the mothers saw the papers on the sidewalk, thought it was trash and tossed them. So the pieces of paper I witnessed wet on the sidewalk? Those were version number two. And they were all part of an experiment to find out what will happen to their masterpieces if they were out in the rain.

Your guess is as good as mine.

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