Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh Fudge...

As I was working on the prior post pertaining to Valentine's Day, I heard giggling, then a crash, then tears. In fact, the tears came right as I hit "publish" on my post. I immediately got up and Fudge put herself in her kennel, which goes with what I've told you about this vicious little devil. Bailey and Fudge were playing a bit rough and according to the Bailey, "Fudge pushed me." Well, Fudge obviously took the blame by putting herself in her cage, but I'm convinced that it wasn't just her fault. Of course, it's hard to tell a redhead that as she has a face of tears. Then again, it's also hard to believe a ten pound dog pushing a child down is anything close to a Greek tragedy.

These two act so closely like siblings that I have absolutely no interest in anything more real than that. No need, really.

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