Friday, February 13, 2009

To be perfectly honest, I felt a bit trapped

This morning, Bailey absolutely could not wait to play her game, Mouse Trap. This felt all too similar from yesterday when she came home from preschool with the sudden urge to play the same game. I was suffering from a headache due to this chest cold/ head cold that have both seemed to take over my poor defenseless body. I told her I needed a minute and she was okay with that but proceeded to put the game together herself and just as I said, "be careful, you could break it," snap. A tiny little piece was broken. From there, she put the pieces up.

Well, I haven't miraculously recovered, although I was hoping for that, and here she wanted to play the same game and when she asked for "a little help here," I couldn't resist and I didn't want to feel like a bad mom for putting my selfish sickly needs before my child's need to play a complicated board game, and when I say complicated, I mean, "have you seen all those freakin' parts????!"

Now, I'm not sure I could put this game together on my own anyway, or that I was ever able to, even during my own childhood, but when you have a headache the size of Egypt, with the pressure coming from anywhere from your nose and Congress and the little men upstairs, suddenly that game feels like you're trying to build the Taj Mahal blindfolded. With toothpicks. And just when I thought I could stick it out, suffer for the common good of redheads everywhere, I had to admit failure. I had to throw in the towel. I succumbed to my headache's greatest desires. I could not mess with those primary colored pieces any further without deliberately destroying them.

This is when I'm going to tell you just how much of a gem my child is. She is so awesome. I couldn't be more proud of my little lady because she was completely understanding and forgiving and put her game back up and declared that she'd just make Daddy do it later (oh thank you!) and that I should just put my head down on the couch. And then she told me she hoped I got to feeling better.

I didn't feel so trapped then. I felt loved, even though I still had a headache.

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