Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Judah's Kiss

We were loading ourselves into the car when Bailey filled me in on some drama from her day at school. It started with blood, so I knew it was something good. Any story from Bailey involving blood is always a good one. A little boy named Judah who happened to be there with one of the parents hurt his tongue and he was bleeding.

And shortly after she started her initial story, she added, "I hope he'll be okay....(long pause)...but I don't think he will."

Bailey explained in detail how hurt he was and that he was bleeding "lots and lots." Apparently he fell on this stair-like contraption inside their classroom. She also told me that Miss Sara was trying to get the bleeding to stop.

While she told me how Judah "bleeded," I took the moment to interrupt her wonderful story to have a bit of an English lesson. She wasn't amused by my efforts. It took some coaching, and it may take a few more years, and I know it's a difficult concept, but "bleeded," is not a word; and hearing it used breaks my heart.

"But that's what happened."

"I believe you. I do. But we say 'bled.'"

"I don't."

"I noticed."

His fall did make quite the impression on her though, because we had this conversation plenty of times throughout our day and she was consistent with her concern and belief, "I hope he's okay, but I don't think he will be."

Psst. I think he's just fine.

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