Thursday, February 12, 2009

Forgot Someone

Bailey took over an hour to eat dinner tonight which isn't that unusual. She's a slow eater, obviously. And then we headed out for a second and I glance out the car window and see something familiar, someone familiar. Our pesky little canine was hanging out on our "porch," which is really just a slab of crooked concrete. Now, she's not supposed to be there, so I'm glad I glanced in her direction, to see her confused little face, the face of a little beast who fortunately (in this case) is still unable to walk down stairs (or rather, refuses to). I quickly dashed out of the car to rescue her, only long enough to throw her furry backside into her kennel because the thought of leaving her out of her kennel while we're gone is actually much worse than leaving her rear out in the freezing cold. You don't know this dog. She's an evil little toddler. You cannot leave her unattended.

Which brings me to this crazy thought of forgetting her and not noticing she came outside with us. It's probably due to the fact I was on my phone, but how I could I seriously forget this little monster? I can't even leave her in a room alone for three seconds without her destroying something and anytime she's quiet, I'm instantly searching the premises for her so I can properly punish her. She knows what "time out" is and knows when she belongs in her kennel. She puts herself in there all too often. That should show just how much this little pooch gets in trouble. Just recently, I got out from a nice shower to discover her looking at me in fear and hiding from me, which prompted me to wonder what she'd done. She had every right to hide from me and then run into her kennel for safety considering the chocolate milk explosion in the computer room. Chocolate milk did things I didn't know it could do, all because Bailey left her chocolate milk remains on my desk and I was in the shower without detaining the ornery little fuzzy brat of a dog. And don't even get me started on all the things she chews up or how devious she is, especially when she knows she shouldn't be doing it.

Trust me, she may be adorable, but she's toxic to my sanity and all too often I think about eliminating her from my life. I'm sure I'd miss her though, just like I somehow missed her being on the front stoop.

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