Saturday, February 14, 2009

Midas' Touch...and Happy Valentine's Day

You won't be receiving cards in the mail from us today (if you're on our mailing list that is) but they are coming. In fact, they may or may not have already been mailed. However, the delay (here come the excuses) came from my computer who is a dying breed. In fact, it seems to be a trend in this household. I've had a terrible luck with things breaking on me lately. I'm like King Midas, except instead of the things I touch turning into gold, they turn into dust. First it was that has-been printer of mine, then the rusty beast, the can opener, and now my computer. I tell you, it's exhausting being me; and expensive.

At this point, I'm truly frightened to even hug my own child.

Anyway, back to the original topic of this post. If there was one. My computer apparently did not like my valentines I thought up. They were cute too and different from my latest ones, they folded again! Full-sized! With real content and a cute little bit on the back! Alas, you will NEVER see them. I'm not even sure my computer bothered to look at them. My card program crashed on me, Photoshop crashed on me, the computer wouldn't let the printer do anything, and I couldn't even view my own photos. This computer of mine exists for photographs which includes making things and editing, and it also is here for e-mail and blogging. Who knows how much longer I can do that...

But never fear, you are getting cards, just not the ones I intended for you. I made prints at the Retail Giant of the front of the card I had designed. It's going to have to do. And I'm sharing this so you will realize just how dedicated of a card-making Hallmark-wanna-be soldier I really am. And I also don't blame you if you don't want me touching anything that belongs to you right now. Anything could happen.

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