Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Flat Day

I had a hair appointment today, something I was quite excited about.  And even though I begged Bailey not to do her snail motion routine today, the one where she moves ultra slow making us late for everything, including watching ice melt, and fights me every step of the moving way, we were running late.  If you can't tell, this gets to me. 


And just as we were finally getting out of the driveway, without my cell phone (because I had remembered it needed charged and no matter how hard I look, I cannot find a car charger for the Samsung beat, even the chargers that say they fit ALL Samsung phones), immediately we had troubles. The car was doing things it doesn't normally do and even though signs said clearly, "do not go over lines, wet paint," we had to anyway and I parked the car on a curb, saw a FLAT TIRE, and even though I knew I shouldn't, we went around the block and back into our driveway.  I know I should've parked it since it was COMPLETELY flat, but I didn't.  And I was especially upset I didn't have my cell phone, because I just knew even though it was dead, I was going to need it.


This is typical for the 31st of July, or as I commonly refer to it, Harry Potter's Birthday.  Something always goes wrong on Harry Potter's birthday, something terribly wrong.  And although it's just a flat tire for now, it made me cancel my hair appointment I was already 13 minutes late for.  I was really excited about that.  I was going to do it for myself, because although some people wouldn't believe me, I don't do things for myself very often, if ever, and even though I didn't want to, I had to take the munchkin in tow, which was causing me some anxiety since she made us so late I hadn't changed the batteries in her handheld came console and didn't bring it with us.


And now here we are, me hiding in the office, trying not to freak out, even though it's hard not to do at this point.  I hate the fact I'm in a complaining mood, but between today and the millions of things I have left to do for this weekend's reunion, things I thought I'd do last night had someone not forced me into going to bed instead, and the horrible toothache I've had since last Friday when I never ever get toothaches, I can't fight this chaos off with a stick like I normally do.  And I'm babbling.  I only babble when I'm really, really stressed out.


Once this day is over, I know I'm going to realize that it really was just a flat tire, and that the whole day didn't have to go flat because of it.  But for right now, I'm entitled to think otherwise, after all, that 11:30 hair time was the only one I could get into for today.  Pardon me, I'm done whining, now I must go back to crossing things off of my list.  And if you call me reminding me of my to-do list or asking me anything pertaining to plannning, please be warned:  Today is not the day.


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