Friday, July 18, 2008

I Warned You

I believe I had warned you of a possible absence from Daily Bailey blogging life.  The over-the-big-top party is tomorrow, and hopefully that means life will once again resume as it should be.  Of course, it'll take me a while to catch up.  And I know it will since I never did blog about the pirate bash from last year due to all of the excitement.  I plan to be better this year, but well, you know how those things go, especially since I'm planning the family reunion in two weeks.


Bailey's over the moon with the party planning.  She can't wait and it's been fun doing this with her, involving her so extensively.  She's also done a lot of the helping.  I must go though.  These things don't plan themselves, you know.


Perhaps next year, we really do just themed plates with cake and ice cream.  Yeah, I don't believe it either.

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