Saturday, July 19, 2008

Man Am I Tired

It was quite the eventful day.  Bailey's circus party went marvelously with very few glitches, if any.  She certainly enjoyed sharing the big day with everyone.  All this morning as we were setting up, she kept asking over and over when everybody was going to get there.  She just couldn't wait to entertain her guests. 


But as busy as the day was and as tiring, Bailey never actually took a nap.  It's no secret she's not a napper (and never really has been one), but not even today.  And she didn't go to bed any earlier either.  It wore me out though and I crashed on the couch for a while.  I was one tired Mommy and the Birthday Girl's Big Bash exhausted me, I suppose.


For those that came to Bailey's party, I thank you.  She couldn't have been happier with the turn out.  Now it's on to the next event.  I have a family reunion in two weeks to finish planning. 

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