Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rainy Days

Unlike most Saturdays (that do not include family reunions and birthday parties), I didn't have to work.  This isn't normal at all, obviously, and only because I had used some personal hours to do so before I lost them due to not using them.  We didn't really have anything planned except that Bailey really, really, really wanted to go swimming.  The rain couldn't keep us away, because instead of conventional pools, we prefer an indoor aquatic center, and Bailey was quite excited to display her underwater skills.  She couldn't stop talking about it.  We got to the pool this afternoon only to discover that the pool that is never ever closed was closed for two weeks for annual maintenance.  That's okay.  Bailey had a plan B.  We could just go to the Great Wolf Lodge.


I think Daddy would've let her, but Mommy pointed out that the Great Wolf Lodge is for special occasions, and yeah, we'd been there twice in the last month, but those were relatively special occasions and a rainy day is hardly one, even if Plan A was shut down for maintenance.  We were out of poolside options, but we laid out some other offers on the table, Daddy even suggesting a local hotel to purchase a night's stay so we could swim.  After much contemplation, Bailey decided that Chuck E. Cheese was a suitable replacement even though she really, really, really wanted to swim, and so we headed from the Great city of Lawrence to the closest Chuck House.


Rainy days seem to bring us to the Chuck House.  And as predicted, it was busy, but Bailey had a fabulous time, probably due to the fact Mommy wasn't armed with a camera.  Unfortunate indeed.  It was great though.  We won some games, accrued more tickets we'll never cash in, and still have a glove compartment full of tokens ready for the next spontaneous trip to the House of Chuck.  And although it rained and the indoor pool was closed, it still ended up being an awesome day after all, probably because we spent it together.  Yeah, I think that had something to do with it.

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