Monday, August 18, 2008

Daddy's Old

Yesterday afternoon while I was working, Bailey finally broke out her guitar she received for her birthday from Grandma Doni.  She rocked out to her stuffed audience in their prime couch seating.  And this is what brought Bailey to informing me today that "I'm going to be a rockstar, if I want to, when I get old like Daddy, and play my guitar; I can do that if I want to."  She went into some more details, but I was fixated on the "old like Daddy."


Then, she dressed herself in her black, "This is my little black dress" shirt we found at Old Navy last spring and a pair of shorts.  And as she continued to gather her things for the Kidz Day Out program she passionately announced, "OH MAN!  I have hair all over my shirt!!  It's all Fudge's fault."  I pointed out to her that's probably why she shouldn't have been wrestling on the floor with Fudge and that it's exactly what I had warned her against.  So that prompted Miss Black Shirt with Dog hair to reply, "She did it when I was eight years old too." 

"But you aren't eight years old yet.  You're four."

"Well, someday I'll be eight years old when I get old like Daddy."


And there was that statement again.  I very much enjoy being the young one.

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