Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I told you we weren't going to the zoo...

And I stood by that.  I didn't doubt my will power.  Not at all.  But I did suggest to Bailey that since it wasn't as hot as it usually was, we could go to the farm for the afternoon.  We haven't been to the farm literally in months.  We spend a lot of time there in the spring and fall, but once the hot hot heat arrives, yeah, that ship sails.  I'm not about to walk around in 99 degrees surrounded by livestock for anybody, not even Bailey.

We headed out late, but since the farm is open until 8 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I felt absolutely no pressure.  Bailey took her nice sweet time walking around, spending nearly twenty minutes in front of cock-a-doodling roosters and trying her darndest to pet them without being pecked.  And then she was excited to get to go do some treasure hunting so we went to mine and the guy informed Bailey she couldn't because it was five minutes till 5 and well, things closed down at 5.  Whoa.  Wait a second.  Ahem.

Apparently there is fine print on that 8 o' clock closing time.  All activities still close at 5.  Mommy wasn't amused and Bailey was crushed.  That meant no fishing.  No pony rides.  No feeding a baby bottle to baby goats.  And obviously, no mining.  Even the concession stands and the big barn closed down.  So Mommy had to call Daddy and tell him not to meet them there after all.  Poor, poor Bailey.  She was so disappointed.  She just couldn't understand why they wouldn't let her fish.  After all, she put her shoes on and got ready to go and everything.  And she hadn't been there in FOREVER.  We will definitely be making another trip soon to catch up, and arrive with plenty of time before 5.  As long as it's not 99 degrees, of course.

Luckily, Mommy's resourceful and turned that frown upside down by suggesting the House of Chuck.  And, sure, we were JUST there on Sunday, but this time we ate their nasty pizza and didn't feel like sardines squished in a can because it was practically dead in there.  We had a lot of fun, but as Bailey pointed out several times and as she has for days,  we still need to go swimming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than Upchuckie Cheesy.  Not sure which is better, watching the little ones down that stuff, or cleaning it up later!!!!  ;0) N.