Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Case of "Fantastic" Timing

So, all morning, Bailey has been asking about the zoo and how she thinks we should go there "next time."  I told her that next week we will in Toronto and she wasn't sure that's what she had in mind, so I showed her the Toronto Zoo website and she was on board.  In fact, she said, "Grandma and Grandpa went there last week."  (We're always the last to know these things.)


So an hour later, I asked Bailey if she'd like to do something fun today and she did and she wanted to go somewhere.  She thought today would be the perfect day to go to the zoo.  Now I should've known better.  I should've considered our conversation from earlier and how that'd apply to now.  I told her that's something fun we like to do with Daddy and she replied, "that's okay, we can do it together, just you and me."  It was similar to last night when Bailey told Daddy that "after Mommy leaves for work maybe we can go swimming at the Great Wolf Lodge, maybe we can do that."  And about the zoo?  She most importantly wanted to go to see the elephants.

Then I went to look at the temperature and www.Weather.com because I always do that before I make a decision and before I head anywhere.  And what should appear on the Weather.com site?  Right next to the forecast was an advertisement from the Kansas City Zoo with a picture of one big elephant.  Now this is not what I was intending, but apparently Bailey was and she was so excited because as she stated, "that's exactly what I was talking about."

Excuse me.  I need to go do some compromising.  And regardless of what you might think, we are not going to the zoo today.

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