Thursday, June 8, 2006

Taming the Rats

Every now and then, I think about cutting out pieces of my child's hair.


Now quit glaring at the screen or shouting.


But there are days, when I'm about to crack.  That probably doesn't surprise any of you.


Some things are just hard for a mother to admit.  No one wants to be branded anything horrible and pride is sometimes all you have left at the end of the day.  (And on some says, you don't even have that.)  But I must be honest. There's no use hiding it. 

My child has tangled hair.

There.  It's been typed.  I think I feel a little better.


There are wild beasts that reside in Bailey's hair.  They haven't always been there, but they have moved in, and just like any Hollywood-movie house guest, they refuse to leave.  Bailey no longer lets me comb her hair.  I'm lucky to have it washed.  And now, these little tangles have started to take over more and more regions and forcing my way in just causes the poor child pain.  But those things have been driving me insane.  Maybe someone out there can imagine.


Yes, yes, the detangler spray.  I know all about it.  I have a couple different bottles.  But it only works IF your child lets you comb her hair.  She sees that stuff and she KNOWS what is about to be attempted.  She's so accommodating, really.


It's not that these tangles were that horribly obvious, but I knew they were there, and that's enough to know there's a problem.  Otherwise, she just looked like she had some frizzy patches.  Ever so stylish!


Bailey hasn't napped this week, which really isn't much different than a typical week.  Well, so she then suddenly crashed on my lap, and since there wasn't a true need for her to be asleep this late in the day, and I've been looking for a moment to tame the wild beasts of curls in her mane, I decided to tempt fate.  After all, if I woke her up, what do I have to lose?  Okay, besides and eye or something...


So, now you see where this has headed.  My child finally napped and I went the fierce, but sneaky route of detangling.  I'm sure there are people who have resorted to worst tactics.  A couple times, her face had an angry or distressed expression (awww) and a few times, her hands would grab her hair with protective force.  I am happy to report though, that at least the main culprits have been removed from the premises.  It'll still take time to make sure the rest have evacuated as well, maybe once she is awake.


They could be out looking for shelter.  Guard your hair with your life, yours could be next.

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