Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Bedtime Battles and Clever Tricks

She's a trickster, that little Bailey.  She is.  You'd think she was the child of brilliant comics.  She tortures the dog with tennis balls, luring her with the idea that Kaitlin might get to play with her toys, just long enough to rip the pitiful dog's dreams away and laugh in her face.  She's the best type of villain, she even has the evil laugh down.

Today, she learned another new trick.  Our living room turned into a party scene with fabulous strobe effect lighting.  By bedtime, although she hadn't napped and it was very late, she still wasn't tired.  While in bed, like a good little girl, she convinced Daddy (more like suckered) that she needed her Mommy.  Mommy came to the rescue, only to be turned into a jungle gym.  The best part was noticing a whole village in bed, Elmo, her baby, and Cookie Monster, all three lined up next to Bailey.  After taking as much climbing as I could and realizing that this princess had no intention of sleeping, I exited stage left.  I must applaud her efforts though at manipulating the situation, thinking she could count on her Mommy for a few extra minutes of play time.  Plans foiled again.

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